About Us
Thank you for visiting the website of the Agudath Israel of Baltimore. We are located on Park Heights Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland. (If you are looking for the National Agudath Israel of America, click here.)
Please note that we use two spellings: "Agudath" and "Agudah", and "Agudas" is also equivalent.
Agudath Israel of Baltimore serves the entire Baltimore community with twenty or so minyanim per weekday, a kaylim mikveh, shaimos disposal, a world-renowned Rov, Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, shlita, and assistant Rov, Rabbi Mordechai Frankel, shlita. We also have hosted Rabbi Frand's Thursday night shiur, broadcast world-wide, for over two decades.
Our kaylim mikveh is outside the shul, on the left rear side. It is available 24 hours a day, every day. A poster on the wall of the shul summarizes the relevant Halachas.
Our lending library is in a separate building behind the shul. It is open during the summer Monday and Wednesday nights from 7:00pm to 9:30pm. Other than the summer, it is open Sunday 2:00pm to 5:00 and Wednesday 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
To join our shul, here is our Membership Form to print and mail
Thu, February 6 2025
8 Shevat 5785
To send information for the newsletter, send it here, with the subject "AGUDAH ANNOUNCEMENT"
Shul Information
Donations to the Agudah can now be paid on this website on the Donate page.
Memberships can be paid on this website on the payment page.
Join our Shul!: Membership Form to print and mail
6200 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore MD 21215
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