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Agudah Israel of Baltimore is fortunate to host many visitors. For information about Jewish living in Baltimore Maryland, please see the Star-K (our local Hashgacha) website.

                      Davening & Learning

Our doors are open to all who seek to daven, learn and serve the community, almost 24 hours a day, 12 or 13 months a year.

NEW Our Rosh HaShanah 5785 to Pesach schedules:

Shabbos and Weekday (revised 14 October to add 3pm mincha Mon-Thur)

Yom Tov / Special Schedule

Previous Pesach 5784 to Rosh HaShanah 5785 schedules:

OLD Shabbos and Weekday Schedule

OLD Yom Tov / Special Schedule


Rav Heinemann's Men's shiurim are also available by live dial-in at: 1-408-418-9388
Access code: 798 761 947 
All callers will be muted.  If someone wishes to ask a question, unmute yourself by pressing *6   After the question re-mute yourself by again pressing *6

Rav Heinemann
   Storch Memorial Halacha Shiur Sunday, 7:30 pm 
   Rambam Tuesday, 8:30 pm

   Sefer Chofetz Chaim

Thursday, 9:00 pm
   Gemora Shabbos, 1 hr before mincha
   Halachic Issues Shabbos, 30 minutes before maariv
   Halacha (women only, balcony)

Alternate Mondays, 9:00 pm - 9:45 pm
Call in: +1-301-715-8592 Access code: 885 9157 7754  Passcode: 661133
Zoom Meeting link

Rabbi Mordechai Frankel
   Daf Yomi Agudah:  Sun 7:45 - 9:15 am; Shabbos, one hour before mincha
Glen Ave:  Mon - Thur, 9:00 - 10:00 pm
   Mishna Berurah Agudah balcony:  Sun, 8:30 - 9:00 pm; Mon-Thur 8:20 - 8:55 pm
Rabbi Yissocher Frand
   Parshas Hashavua Thursday, 9:00 - 10:00 pm
Rabbi Yitzchok Goodman
   Daf Yomi Shabbos and Yontif - 7:45am in 1st first Beis medrash
Rabbi Reisman

Shiur on Motzoi Shabbos: Feb 8pm, Mar 2 & 9 8:30pm,  Mar 16 & 30 9:30pm, Apr 6 & 13 10 pm, Apr 20 & 27 10:15pm, May 10:30pm, Jun 1 10:30pm 

                                 Keilim Mikva

The Agudah offers the community a newly renovated Keilim Mikva. There is a sign on the wall with the Bracha for Tevilas Keilim as well as all the pertinent Halachos.
Please consider leaving a donation in the box next to the mikva to help defray the costs.

                             Shaimos Burial

The Agudah offers a shaimos burial service. The drop - off location for the shaimos is on the second floor right off the bais medrash. Please see the sign by the Shaimos drop off box regarding costs, what can be dropped off, and where you should leave it.

                             Learning Programs

The Agudah offers many learning programs, both during the year, and Bein Hazmanim.   For Sponsorship opportunities, please see Rabbi Zvi Schwartz

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785