General Donations
Charity Fund Donations - Only!
Please use this QR code exclusively for the charity fund. Monies that are intended for the Agudah should use the link above. The monies donated here are directed to individuals in need.
You can make a donation to the Agudah's Charity Fund using this PayPal link or this PayPal Donor Fund link or by scanning the QR code from the Paypal smartphone app. Please make a minimum of a $5 donation due to the fees we are charged.
Tue, October 15 2024
13 Tishrei 5785
To send information for the newsletter, send it here, with the subject "AGUDAH ANNOUNCEMENT"
Shul Information
Donations to the Agudah can now be paid on this website on the Donate page.
Memberships can be paid on this website on the payment page.
Join our Shul!: Membership Form to print and mail