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Contact Us

Agudath Israel of Baltimore
6200 Park Heights Ave
Baltimore, MD 21215

For the National Agudath, visit "Agudath Israel of America".

Rav Heinemann    
  Sunday 9:00 to 11:00 AM at the Agudah
  Monday - Thursday After mincha / maariv at the Agudah
  Agudah Office: 410-358-7513
  Home: 410-358-8263
  Cell: 443-250-4049
Rabbi Mordechai Frankel, Assistant Rav  
  Star-K Office: 410-484-4110 ext. 238.
Directly available Mon - Thurs, 2 - 5 pm.
    Messages may be left any time and are checked every workday. 
  Home: 410-602-9972
President: Aryeh Katz    
  Home: 410-358-1187
  mobile 443-858-5935
Special Office Line ("Agudah Information Line") 410-764-3333  
    1 = Current week's Shabbos times
    2 = Weekday davening schedule
    3 = Yom Tov / fast day schedule
    4 = Place to leave comments
    5 = The Rav's phone numbers
    6 = Rabbi Frankel's phone no.
    7 = Library / Kol Haloshon info.
    8 = Special messages
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784